There are many knowledge management tools out there, I happen to use Obsidian. I wanted to be able to import the logs into Obsidian and be able to see the data and graphs from these logs in a single place where I keep all my notes, relations, and everything else. Because of this, I decided to spend sometime and build a plugin for Obsidian that simplifies the import process of the logs.
I wanted to take some time to properly prepare a video, screen recording, and whatnot to showcase what the plugin can do but the holidays won't let me so I will just share the link to the repo for now. In the repo tyou can find more information about the plugin, and see some screenshot.
Hope y'all find it as useful as I do,
Here's the link:
Here are some screenshots:
Building a logs knowledge base
Building a logs knowledge base
- Attachments
- note_example.png (55.96 KiB) Viewed 11216 times
- note_example_bottom.png (85.83 KiB) Viewed 11216 times
- kaffelogic_settings.png (81.13 KiB) Viewed 11216 times
- note_example_chart.png (165.6 KiB) Viewed 11216 times
Re: Building a logs knowledge base
Perfect use case for RAG and LLM. I will play with it once I get some free time on my hands.