Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish

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Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by fnq »


I have had a couple of roasts of a "KJM" blend ( a well thought of blend in Australian Home roasting).

I blended Peru CDS, Ethiopian Shakissa, Sulawasi Blue and Huehuetentango (Guatemalan) in percentages (24/32/24/20) to get a very drinkable blend. The only noticable downside is it has a slight bitterness at the end before a nicer aftertaste that lingers.

I used the REST profiles and the appropriate height above sea level versions at medium for Ethiopian / and Guat beans and went to a medium dark on the Peru and indo beans. ( i have 1330watts max normally so some profiles aren't available to me)

I am thinking of pushing the indo into a darker roast to harness some more sugar? The other option is to slightly alter the ratios.?

Any cupping specialist advice will be appreciated along with roasting suggestions.The blend gets used in flat whites.(sorry)

Really enjoying The KL . Cheers Darryl
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by fnq »

Well the bitterness solved itself. It would seem one or more of the beans just needed a days further resting.
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by Beanz »

Darryl, I too will be fascinated with learned responses here. In NZ we can't get half those beans.

Two days ago I tried my first hand at KJM, coincidentally. Two compromises, Used beans available AND pre-blended 500gm using KJM ratio and roasted at 3.3 on Damian's D-Roast. Another couple of days before I can start checking them out. I did up a ratio calculator in Excel to help. Damian warned that I ought to try batches at 90gms to try and get the power to roast within the profile. I stuck to 100gm and got punished as 4 of the 5 batches of 100 failed to follow the graph exactly all the way through.
On seeing the results, I think I ought to go a bit darker for my taste. Over at CS, I note that there are those who advocate pre-blending, whilst others go for the the more accurate sticking to optimum profile matching per bean. Again, curious to thoughts on this. Given the accuracy of the Nano 7, I can only guess the average person asking if I want my head read!! :-)
KJM This blend
60 24.00% 120 Columbia Melky Chavez - Ripe Coffee
50 20.00% 100 Guatemala Huehuetenango - Green Bean House
80 32.00% 160 Ethiopian Sidama - Green Bean House
60 24.00% 120 Mandheling - Home Barista Shop
250 1 500 Total
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by fnq »

Hi Beanz

That blend should get a good approximation.
I kept the Ethiopan and Guatamalan to a medium roast(3.2) - but tried to push the indo and peru into a darker roast(4.0) I too am looking to put a substitution into play, with tomorrow's roast using Indian Elephant Hills instead of Peru ( i find them both good bases for a blend with the Indian just a touch sweeter)
I am going to use 90 gm size in the next roast, and try and push the indian into darker territory again .

i don't have the power for darker roasts using D roast or darkside or a merged fan version of those two. Using The low power ninja version and the RTD /GTTT or REST profiles allows me to get into medium dark but i am still experimenting to push a couple of beans into chocolate after taste.

Good luck with the blend, i starting tasting at 3 days but they came into their own on day 5.

Cheers Darryl
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by Geronimo »

Beanz wrote: Sun 02 Aug, 2020 5:28 pm KJM This blend
60 24.00% 120 Columbia Melky Chavez - Ripe Coffee
50 20.00% 100 Guatemala Huehuetenango - Green Bean House
80 32.00% 160 Ethiopian Sidama - Green Bean House
60 24.00% 120 Mandheling - Home Barista Shop
250 1 500 Total

I have roasted this KJM blend and used some Peru beans but not the same as original recipe for same reasons of not being able to get cost effectively in NZ. All other beans, exactly as you have listed and pre-blended.

I used D-Roast modified profile from a fan point of view. I was in Bethlehem Tauranga at the time and the power was better than my usual 233 to 234 volts approx.

In short I wasn’t happy with it and would like to try post blending next time.

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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by Beanz »

Hey Geronimo, Day 5 with my batch and...yeah, same as you. It hasn't gone so well, though I was warned. So my next attempt will be the same recipe (might switch the Chavez) but will try Wayne's new profiles to match the bean altitude. I suspect that the Huehue and Sidama are from similar altitude and the Mandheling and Chavez from similar so will start from there and post blend the 2+2.

I'm in Bethlehem too, and get about the same power supply you mentioned. I try to run it exclusively on that line. Perhaps the Rangehood is drawing on the same line and I have that cranked up full blast.
My tasting notes today for 8.5bar,18g, 30s, 43gms, was a hint of old socks, a fraction sour. Aftertaste was just ok. So, bit of a Meh experience. Hopefully it will improve with aging and I will make more of an effort to get more accurate roasting and take the HueHue/Sidama a little darker eg RL 3.5
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by Geronimo »

Beanz wrote: Wed 05 Aug, 2020 7:42 pm I suspect that the Huehue and Sidama are from similar altitude and the Mandheling and Chavez from similar so will start from there and post blend the 2+2.

I'm in Bethlehem too, and get about the same power supply you mentioned. I try to run it exclusively on that line. Perhaps the Rangehood is drawing on the same line and I have that cranked up full blast.
My tasting notes today for 8.5bar,18g, 30s, 43gms, was a hint of old socks, a fraction sour. Aftertaste was just ok. So, bit of a Meh experience. Hopefully it will improve with aging and I will make more of an effort to get more accurate roasting and take the HueHue/Sidama a little darker eg RL 3.5

I like your thinking on the 2+2 roast which makes sense, with the added advantage of less waste if it doesn't work out. I like your tasting descriptor of old socks.

I think at the power meter, getting an average of 237 volts. Usable about 235 volts. I generally turn everything of, such as computer, lights etc to give me as much as I can.

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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by fnq »

Enjoying this thread, hopefully we will get some good results out of this blend or a version of it.

Just for possible interest, i have kept the last roasts between 90 and 100 gms, and i roast individually but in a similar fashion to the 2 +2 post blend above.

I was following another thread on KL fan calibration and haven't checked my setting as yet , but did note that i was teetering on the chaff lid dancing. This was with the 90 gm roast, and i inferred i was at the upper edge of the acceptable range on this load. Again my reasoning was, that this was good , being the power available was able to provide the Fluid/air environment strived for. ( also a side note: probably don't go lower than 90 gms in batch size)

If you still think power is flatlining and you can't get a better supply, you may want to tinker with the fan calibration ( a great resource article on the KL website that i can't for the life of me find to provide a link atm)

Edit : Just to add a caution - maybe enquire with KL staff as to suitability of changing calibration whilst making a note of the current setting.
Cheers , Darryl in Oz
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by Beanz »

Darryl and G. Thanks for your feedback. I'm really keen to realise the aspiration here so any detail I'm soaking up. Trying to limit to 90gm roast is what led to the notion of doing like altitude. Others have reported great success with pre-blending but that hasn't worked for me with the bean set I've got. In the table here, I have approximated the 90gm roast limit to come up with a 360gm batch:
Annotation 2020-08-06 203220.png
Annotation 2020-08-06 203220.png (34.4 KiB) Viewed 12710 times
Day 6 and my first batch has improved..Good things take time. The socks are gone!
Thanks for the fan tips, D. I'll take note. In the meantime, let's hope others holding The Knowledge pitch in here and steer us the right direction
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Re: Suggested beans and roast depth for a more syrupy finish


Post by Wayne »

Good day All

The thread is awesome . Thank you .

I can assist anyone with Fan Calibration . Further adjustment and understanding .

I can assist with all question that you may have on the new core profiles .

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