Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile

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Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by Wayne »

Hello Everyone

I hope the roasting is going well?

I recently received a Brazil Red Honey from 3 Brothers:

Farmer Name : Amauri Francisco
Varietal : Red Catuai
Process : Honey
Region : Serra Do Caparao
Farm : Sitio Bela Vista
Altitude : 1257m

3 Brothers taste notes:

Bright acidity with notes of lime
vanilla and black tea finish

There has been quite a load of adjustment made in the Maillard phase. The main adjustments have been intensity decrease and time in phase decrease.

On the initial profile, with an early in phase 20 degrees per minute increase tapering down to 10 and then 6 degrees per minute. In tasting at 15% DTR, that brazil fullness and richness was present with pleasant acidity.

I wanted to draw out more sweetness (Mandarin) and if I could, turn the acidity from acidity to a bright one. The profile also showed a dip and flick and I wanted to nullify this effect on flavour development.

On the second attempt, the Maillard phase intensity leading into the first crack was reduced by up to 3.5 degrees with a 2 degree lower increase per minute till that point. The time of the phase was reduced by 30 seconds and the DTR increases by 10 seconds and 2 degrees lower at the roast end. Still roasting at 15% DTR.

The result brought a brighter, fruitier acidity and a sweetness of blood orange. A much better result.

There was a further step added to the profile. A power profiling phase leading into the first crack. This is still a power dip during FC and although slight, the goal of the power profiling would be to bring a bit more balance and roundness.

On tasting this result still at 15% DRT and using an espresso ration of 18.5g:40g. 1:2.16 brew ratio, I experienced that balance, bright acidity and sweeter front of the mouth taste. The blood orange but not the mandarin taste is there. I am definitely getting a balanced, full, rich mouthfeel and very slight lingering aftertaste.

Please try the profile below. You can zero the power profile to try it without.

Thank you, 3 Brothers, for the opportunity to roast this coffee.

Regards and Roast well.

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Re: Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by Matt S »

Hi Wayne,

Thanks for posting your process for this coffee. It is really interesting to see how you approach making adjustments to your profile for a particular bean and get an idea of the thinking behind it.


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Re: Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by petermac »

I just wanted to show some support for the Brazil Red Honey profile. I have a Costa Rica Miel honey processed coffee (from Coffee Snobs here in Aus) that I have previously roasted in my old Behmor with great success, but I just couldn't get the same result in the KL - most profiles just couldn't bring the sweetness of this coffee out, and I was getting dull, flat, lack lustre results (milk based espresso drinks).

Despite being named 'Brazil Red Honey', as a newbie to the KL I avoided this profile because there didn't seem to be much support for it on this forum, instead opting for other profiles recommended by more experienced users such as the elevation profiles, Raost, and D-Roast. After trialing all of these plus others and incurring ongoing frustration, I finally gave the Brazil Red Honey profile a go, and I'm really pleased with the results. Much better depth of flavour, and I'm finally getting back to the stage where I'm disappointed that my latte has come to an end, suspending my empty cup upside down to get that last drip out.

So for any newbies out there who have honey processed greens in your stash, don't hesitate to push this profile up your priority list for testing.
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Re: Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by Femelle »

Thanks @petermac. My Costa Rica Miel is about to have a go round with this profile. Awesome.
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Re: Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by Ben »

Hi Wayne

Ive decided to give your Red Honey roast a go on a Nicaragua Honey that has an altitude of 1200-1600m. The roast seemed to go really well until 5m 25s into the roast where it started to lift above the profile curve and continue to lift until the end of the roast. Your starting roast level is 3.0 and I preset the roast for 2.5 and the roast ended 30s early with and end temp of 227 where you had it at 217.5.

1) I only roasted it today and waiting for 3 days too taste but definetely wanted to bring the temp down for a lighter roast.

2) What type on negative boost would help bring down the actual temp to get it closer to the actual curve?

Thanks so much for your time
log0010 Nicaragua Honey.klog
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Re: Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by kaffelogic »

In principle boost numbers are specified in degrees per minute. So you estimate how many degrees you want to bring the roast down by over how many minutes, divide degrees by minutes and that's the number to use for a negative boost zone across that many minutes. That's a rule of thumb. In practice you have to experiment. Don't be afraid to use 2x the rule of thumb number, it's only a very rough starting point.
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Re: Brazil Red Honey - Phase Development Profile


Post by EagleMick »

After reading the results with this profile on Costa Rica Miel I thought I would give it a try. Currently drinking as a flat white side-by-side with the MD3 profile which is my usual go to roast. I have to say I prefer the Red Honey with this bean, definitely bringing through more fruity characteristics.
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