Thermal runaway again and again

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Thermal runaway again and again


Post by alpacacoffeeroasters »

I have the kaffelogic nano 7 e with the boost and I just keep getting thermal runaways and it's messing up my batches. Sometimes it's fine but a lot of times im getting this error and its destroying my coffee, here is the more recent log.
Any help is appreciated.
im always using 200g max, not sure if this is the issue.
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Re: Thermal runaway again and again


Post by rosemarycole6 »

I can't help you as I don't have the boost yet, but just to say if you haven't already, join the Facebook group ' Kaffelogic Users' as well, you may find more replies. I did look at that profile, and what a nightmare. Maybe try not to roast the maximum of 200g, start smaller and go from there.
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Re: Thermal runaway again and again


Post by SeanBrews »

Hey Alpaca Coffee,

Did you upgrade to the new chaff collector at the same time as getting Boost?
If you did, there is a calibration change that needs to happen. You will need to increase calibration by 6 points (eg. If your calibration is 1.00, then change it to 1.06). Only do this if you upgraded to the new chaff collector.

Rosemary is entirely right with her recommendation, we recommend starting large batches at 150g and moving upwards from there. This is because not all beans respond well to roasting at 200g in this environment. Some will roast with no issue and others will refuse.

We find that in most cases it is the new chaff collector and the calibration change that causes this issue, not Boost. After the correction you should be good as new!
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Re: Thermal runaway again and again


Post by alpacacoffeeroasters »

MrBrews wrote: Mon 08 May, 2023 10:36 am Hey Alpaca Coffee,

Did you upgrade to the new chaff collector at the same time as getting Boost?
If you did, there is a calibration change that needs to happen. You will need to increase calibration by 6 points (eg. If your calibration is 1.00, then change it to 1.06). Only do this if you upgraded to the new chaff collector.

Rosemary is entirely right with her recommendation, we recommend starting large batches at 150g and moving upwards from there. This is because not all beans respond well to roasting at 200g in this environment. Some will roast with no issue and others will refuse.

We find that in most cases it is the new chaff collector and the calibration change that causes this issue, not Boost. After the correction you should be good as new!
I was in 0.91, now im in 0.97, will test , thanks!
The new chaff collector came with my kaffelogic, just bought the boost besides.
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