Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?

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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by Steve »


Sounds very good, Steve. I'd differently like to try this.

How you find compare to the your 11minMed profile for espresso? May be some with more common blend or variety like Brazil?

The 11minMed, mostly have been experimenting with a pre blend, which has about 40% Brazil pulp natural and it seems to be working well = lower acid and higher body. Higher dose / tighter espresso shots.

The above shorter 9to10min profile also has shorter finish time, its intended as a filter or manual brew roast. I always like to try everything as espresso though. So far the 2 Eth above have been pretty good, very bright but plenty of sweetness and i have not detected any signs of underdevelopment grassy taste.
No problems with grind / solubility.
Lower dose 17g at about 1: 2.25 ratio.

I also have a 12min start of second crack (at 25% DTR) profile ive been working on, which is similar to the 11minMed but comes into first crack with a slightly higher ROR so it can still decline through to a higher end temp (start of 2nd crack). I roast for a couple of people who only like dark roast / pulling 1:1 ristrettos. I actually dont mind it in a milk drink from time to time, its very rich choc dried fruits kind of flavours which pair well with full cream milk.

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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by BenN »

Thanks Steve

I've just done few Yirgacheffe sample with your short one and my 004b. I did both for level 2.4.
Your profile get more loud and happy RFC compare to mine.
I'll brew both in few days time to compare with Delter press.

I did lower the "Roast Required Power" to 1200 from 1350 before using as I got power level warning on start.
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by BenN »

Also did revision C to 004
004c Yig.jpg
004c Yig.jpg (82.24 KiB) Viewed 6472 times
I will compare thsi as well in few days time.

I should have stopped at level 2.0 or even lower...
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by Steve »

Sounds good Ben, hope it works out for you.

Interesting observation regarding the first crack, this is something I have been observing with my 2 current profiles as well, the first crack is compact and vigorous or sounds happy as you put it.

Definitely try Yirg with anywhere from 45 sec to 1:30 time from onset of first crack, fairly certain this is the zone where they are most aromatic.

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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by BenN »

I have just compare d 3 roasts of same beans , all roasted on 2/Oct
Beans are from The Coffee Worekshop - Washed Ethiopian Yirgasheffe
All 100g greens and set to default level set by profile except last one 004c whcih I stopped bit earlier as went higher DTR.
Brewed 10g with 150ml of water with Delte Coffee Press in same way.
Steve's Profile
Steve's Profile
59.jpg (82.49 KiB) Viewed 6457 times
The first one is Steve's one contributed here.
85.8g after roast st and it has very laps RFC and great aroma.
Sweat aroma in whole beans and more floral when ground.

Coffee was sweet and good body and balance. Lowest acidity but it's there.
When it cool down more berry like taste coming dominant. I'm quite happy with result and quite enjoyed this brew.
DTR went about just shy of 23% level was 2.4
60.jpg (83.85 KiB) Viewed 6457 times
next one is my 004b.
86,2g out and DTR was 17% at level 2.4. roast ended bit earlier than Steve's about 30sec but end temp was about same.

I found this slightly week/thin. Nice acidity was there and balanced within but could be much better to my liking. When it cool down getting sweeter and balance is better.
61.jpg (82.24 KiB) Viewed 6457 times
The last one is tweaked version of 004b
86g out and DTR is about same as Steve's 24% but level 2.1 but smiler length of roast time. slightly earlier FC and about 2c lower end temp. I stopped this manually so some variable here. Good loud RFC like Steve's one .

I found aroma of whole beans and ground was very much similar to Steve's.

Brewed coffee has more acidity side than sweetness, little heaver body. Not quite well balanced like Steve's one but it's getting better when cooling down.

Overall, I'm quite impressed what Steve contributed here, and it is sweetest one and enjoyable result from start to cooled one.
All three is getting much better when cooling down than hot . My 004c version is close but little more stringer in acidity side or even I detect little bitterness or I may be confused a bit?

Thanks again Steve for you contribution.
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by Steve »

Thats great Ben!

I am enjoying these latest roasts more and more, super sweet rounded cups.

I will play around with drop temps / time after first crack in future to try and identify where underdeveloped harsher flavours start to show up with shorter finish for filter.

Hopefully between here and there, might find a fraction more "pop" without loss of sweetness. This is most likely going to be different for each bean and is a good example of what SamL said above about sticking with one coffee for a while...ive done this in the past and it might be time to revisit.
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by BenN »

Just becasue... I read book from Japanese roast master, this is based on commercial level roast with drum.
So not sure how it could translate to our roaster.

However, what he saying is that shorter roast reach FC in higher temp and longer time roast store beans well longer than short roast one. He mentions little more for that sept...
Anyway his standard method is to reach in SC in about 23 min and FC (185 c) in 17~18min.
There is some more milestone like to 130c and 160c mark.

I (now) know Nano has 20min max for safety limiter. So made 20min profile just to play with.

I did not hear any apparent FC ( many be few small one), means it is too long to be hit ion that temp.
My Nano topically reach FC on 205c and this is about 16min from the log.

All same beans and set to 3.0 as level,
20min  Barsil Cerrado
20min Barsil Cerrado
log69.jpg (36.32 KiB) Viewed 6360 times
17min  Barsil Cerrado
17min Barsil Cerrado
log70.jpg (39.21 KiB) Viewed 6356 times
15min  Barsil Cerrado
15min Barsil Cerrado
log71.jpg (39.18 KiB) Viewed 6356 times
May be this is not quite right track? I just need to experiment :)
15min was sweetest of 3 ( so far ) and all 3 are slightly different profile.

I did brew with Delter, immediately after roast and it has low acidity, natty but slightly toasty taste but rounded. See how it develops in few days, but I'm probably back to about 10~12min finish time one for most. And may be shorter one for Yig.

Journey continues...
15min Barsil Cerrado
(96.94 KiB) Downloaded 273 times
17min Barsil Cerrado
(107.44 KiB) Downloaded 285 times
20min Barsil Cerrado 100g ->82.7g
(125 KiB) Downloaded 265 times
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by Steve »

Interesting experiments Ben! Going by my recent experiments with batch sizes i reckon slightly longer gentler profiles are probably beneficial on 100 to 120g load, especially for lower acidity espresso.

Ive been playing around with slightly longer Firestarter profiles and 70g (keeping the start the same) with promising results. As well as trying to replicate the general approach on my drum roaster = getting much better development. I reckon Robs general approach is pretty sound.
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by BenN »

Thanks Steve. I love your drum style profile too, and silently following that MET thread. It is interesting and good to follow lower volume roast to be developed.

Chris may also benefit form those experiment as a input to make half volume converter had mentioned (I think ) - or I would like to see it as percentage reduce/increase of volume from original - could be too many variable so not expected to see anytime soon

Colour and taste while fresh was promising with longer one. See how it developed in period of week or two,
I notice not much distinct FC for those, it may means lack of charge in early stage and take too long to reach FC temp. Not 100% sure if that is BAD or ok-ish,

Will see...
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Re: Good lighter roast profile in city roast range ?


Post by BenN »

5 days later, with 3 long and steady roast.
There is no scientific comparison just my personal impression and could be largely affected by how I brew each with Delter.

The 20min one did not change much but still most flat taste 17min one is sweetest and 15min one develop tanginess more compare to initial impression.

However, all are rounded and easy drink, but I think it may be slightly baked side...
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