Measuring your MET on Nano 7 and the impact of batch size

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Re: Measuring your MET on Nano 7 and the impact of batch size


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All, I have an apology to make :oops: :oops: :oops:

After noticing the discrepancy between Steve's and my reading, I thought it would be good to confirm the thermocouple is in good condition. I also noticed there's some waviness in the logged measurements, so I went to Jaycar and got a new bare K thermocouple.

With the new thermocouple placed in a similar fashion, the reading was completely different.

This was before with the original thermocouple:
75 colombia honey piedras 60g_19-10-27_1219.jpg
75 colombia honey piedras 60g_19-10-27_1219.jpg (88.5 KiB) Viewed 2057 times
This is the MET profile using the new K-thermocouple:
new probe 78 Colombia Harrera 60g_19-10-27_1404.jpg
new probe 78 Colombia Harrera 60g_19-10-27_1404.jpg (90.12 KiB) Viewed 2057 times
To be sure, I did a 50g roast, with the 100g roast log in the background.
80 Colombia Harrera 50g_19-10-27_1430.jpg
80 Colombia Harrera 50g_19-10-27_1430.jpg (95.9 KiB) Viewed 2057 times
By testing the probe in boiling water, the new probe reads 99.3 deg C, where as the old probe reads 101 deg C.

The MET for both batch size (50g and 100g) actually went closer to 260-265 deg C, similar to what Steve was observing. In fact, there was not so much difference in terms of MET for both the roasts. Looks like my previous conclusion/hypothesis was probably all wrong and was based on a dodgy probe.

I have no idea why, but it looks like my old thermocouple is probably on its way out (it's a good probe too, an ultra-thin probe from Omega). Unexpectedly, it behaved so differently and consistently when I had different batch size, thus leading me to an incorrect direction (sorry! :oops: ).

That brings me back to square one then (in terms of an explanation for better result with smaller load size). Perhaps the reason that the larger load was worse was due to insufficient mixing/rolling(?) (have I ever learned from my mistake to not easily make a speculation?? :lol: )
Last edited by on Sun 27 Oct, 2019 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Measuring your MET on Nano 7 and the impact of batch size


Post by Steve »

All good Sam, thanks for trying another thermocouple! Saves me playing around with it further as I did a few 70, 80 and 90g batches of the same Guat all roasted the same Firestarter and the MET profile was basically the same for all of them.

Still looking foward to some more blind cupping along with the 50g and 60g i did the other day.

I think the whole exercise has been useful in that there are definitely flavour changes with batch size (more speculating) but i think most likely just from higher air to bean ratios along with the very apparent different agitation levels. Good to know for different beans / sizes and espresso or filter brew.
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