Help with profile adjustment

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Help with profile adjustment


Post by Damian »

How would I best adjust my profile to maintain momentum during FC, preventing the RoR dip seen in the graph?

At a little after 9 minutes, heat increase as the beans approach FC, the FW reduces power to maintain the profile curve but this is also contributing to the RoR crash.

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Re: Help with profile adjustment


Post by Steve »

Just my thoughts from many a wrestling with same thing.

That is quite a significant crash and during blind cupping ive found that to have negative impact.
Smaller deviations that quickly return and are inline with the rest of the profiles ROR are not a problem.
Trying (and succeeding) to get perfectly smooth ROR on this tiny 100g mass ends up detrimental in the cup.

Your profile i would play around with a negative boost approaching first crack. Ive found the "rules" of not messing around with 45 sec either side of FCS to hold true.

I would go with using both boost zones at 10 sec / - 2 for a start. Space them far enough apart so its like taking a couple of chips out of that acceleration toward crack and maybe they wont crack so hard.
Are thet cracking loud / hard n fast?
A big quick release of gases with the accompanying bean expansion is also going to play havoc with the probe readings.

Ive also found useful on some beans trying to tweak the fan profile just in the areas where the ROR becomes problematic. Although in this case your ROR is mostly good everywhere else and returns to the same pattern as in earlier parts of the roast after the divot / crash.
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Re: Help with profile adjustment


Post by Damian »

Thanks Steve,
The above log is of a Geisha, FC is strong, but not really louder than say the Ethiopian Limmu graphed below
But maybe more concentrated/rapid rather than spread out.

I was considering increase the fan during that time, to blow of C02 quicker, but then thought it may actually increase cooling, and even toss beans out. But since you suggested it, I might try.

I'm not sure I understand the boost zones, did you mean add -2 boost at 10 minutes?
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Re: Help with profile adjustment


Post by Damian »

Ok, now looking at it, I think adding -2 at 9:00 to 9:10 (10 seconds) is what you mean?
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Re: Help with profile adjustment


Post by Steve »

At a glance of the picture that seems about right starting point. Then it's a matter of seeing what happens and adjusting again until it behaves / good enough.

If that does not do it then you can try -3, -4. My preference is Max of + or - 5 and if that does not do it then I will move onto using zone 2 boost and take two "smaller bites" out of the problem area.
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