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Re: Italian European style blend & roast
Posted: Tue 25 Aug, 2020 2:10 pm
by kiwipom
Steve wrote: ↑Tue 25 Aug, 2020 10:59 am
Likely you will want to roast entire blend 30 sec into 2nd crack, which from the very start of 2nd crack is usually about where 2nd crack will start "rolling".
I can not give specific numbers you require, I do not use those profiles. While I applaud the KL "push button" numbered system it really is not conducive to people learning the very basic sight, sound and smells of roasting which is actually quite valuable to getting what you want.
I also concede it may be hard for many people to look and in particular hear cracks. Ive found standing off to the side a few metres away or more makes it a lot easier to hear cracks.
Thanks Steve.
Is your espresso profile the one called 'Darkside' in the 'Steve's Current Profiles 100g max' thread?
So am I right in thinking to use a profile & keep increasing the roast level until the machine enters the cooling phase 30 seconds after 2nd crack detection?
Also, how long would you suggest to keep the roast before using it?
Thanks again for any help.
Cheers, Nick.
Re: Italian European style blend & roast
Posted: Tue 25 Aug, 2020 2:21 pm
by kiwipom
Wayne wrote: ↑Tue 25 Aug, 2020 12:36 pm
Good day Nick
Thank you for the thread . Its an awesome journey you are on the Kaffelogic really offers that perfect platform to experiment with and design your optimal drinking experience .
On the Gaggia you are using . Amazing machine . I have owned 2 in my life and loved every minute of them .
If I had to offer some info
Hi Wayne,
Thank you for the reply. I will take a wee while to absorb your reply & am quite sure I'll be back with some questions, intelligent or otherwise!
Many thanks,
Re: Italian European style blend & roast
Posted: Fri 02 Oct, 2020 5:31 pm
by theiguanaoz
I recently bumped my fan calibration to 0.94 after some testing and now get even roasts. It was off putting at first as the roasts looked slightly darker overall, but less sporadic - but taste wise seem to be hitting the mark.
I dared to try Steady and Dark II and roasted (separately) Colombian Excelso, Brazil Bom Jesus Naturals, and Indian Washed Robusta. I post blended, off the roast, and will let it sit too - but at 40-40-20 (Col-Bra-Ind) I loved it in milk - very close to the flavour I've been trying to replicate.
As an espresso - wow! Nice but needs a rest. Will try Days 3, 5 etc and make a call, but this could be one of my 'go to' for lattes. Once the calibration was made, I was surprised that despite going to 4.5, I had deep dark choc bombs but plenty of sweetness. Previous attempts at 0.91 calibration - the default - tasted like ash.
The downside is I now need to experiement more at Medium and Med-Light levels as 3.0 roasts are roasted more evenly but taste a little darker at that level than I would like. I am thinking 2-2.5 for my taste, but will wait until the weekend to play around.
Love the fact we have a robusta profile. I've no doubt the robusta helps to make my italian style blend what it is. Roasting these beans separately - and the arabicas for that matter - makes for a better espresso. I think I'd struggle to pre blend unless I needed to do a large batch quickly. Thank you KL team!