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Re: Colombian Volcan Galeras Supremo

Posted: Sun 12 Jun, 2022 2:38 pm
by Femelle
So I’ve done a first roast of this bean. I used 1200-1500 Rest to L3.6. I found it bright and balanced but fairly light - no choc/cocoa. A bean I could happily drink as an espresso or lungi (I’m a predominantly white morning coffee person so I don’t often say this). With milk it was still pleasant, light and quite straightforward but nothing to rave about.

As a blend, 50/50 with Eth Gambella, also roasted on the 1200-1500 Rest profile to L3.0 it had more body and complexity. But definitely needs more tinkering.

I think I need to go darker and plan to try the Steady and Dark profile on it this week. I’d really like to use Firestarter but can’t work out how to overcome the warnings that come up (I’ve posted a question about it but no response so far) so Steady & Dark it’ll be for trial no 2.

Re: Colombian Volcan Galeras Supremo

Posted: Sat 25 Jun, 2022 12:02 am
by fnq
Late to the thread ... apologies

This bean , i find works well in mid to dark roasts using one of Steves MD profiles

...i use a tweaked version (preheat adjustment for my conditions) of MD2, but have used MD 3 as well.

I use it standalone or add a base bean of brazil or Indian Elephant Hills,,,, it brings a columbian kick and a choc aftertaste ( IEH adds sweetness)

Re: Colombian Volcan Galeras Supremo

Posted: Sat 25 Jun, 2022 12:23 pm
by Femelle
Good to know and I’ll try one of those. In the meantime I’ve done two roasts using Steady and Dark, one to L4, the other L4.4. Haven’t tried them yet - that’ll be sometime this coming week.