Difficult roast

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Re: Yifacheffe, Yirgacheffe; where art thou?


Post by Angela »

Screenshot from 2019-09-28 12-28-07.png
Screenshot from 2019-09-28 12-28-07.png (147.43 KiB) Viewed 1463 times
I roasted this on 19th September and is was nothing special a day or two after. I put it down as just another dud also ran.

Today, 9 days later, I used 18g in an espresso machine. The floral/fruity smell from the ground beans in the portafilter gave me a clue to what was to come.

A pretty pleasant coffee, floral/fruity as above with no obvious acidity with a light sweet body.

Note the end temperature and the short development of 53 seconds.
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