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Re: HELP Voltage / kW / ROR all over the place

Posted: Thu 28 Nov, 2019 2:11 pm
by kaffelogic
That's a pretty nice looking graph now.

Even when the roaster says turn me off now, leave it on if you intend using it within the next half hour or so.

Re: HELP Voltage / kW / ROR all over the place

Posted: Sun 09 Feb, 2020 7:04 pm
by Damian
Even when the roaster says turn me off now, leave it on if you intend using it within the next half hour or so.
How do I continue use, once my roaster displays turn me off, nothing works other than the power switch

Re: HELP Voltage / kW / ROR all over the place

Posted: Sun 09 Feb, 2020 7:22 pm
by kaffelogic
My statement was actually quite stupid. There is no way to keep it on past that point. Should have said: leave it on if you intend roasting again within the next 10 mins, otherwise turn it off straight away.

The firmware could be modified to allow it to be re-awakened without turning it off when it shows that message. Let me know if you think that would be useful.

Re: HELP Voltage / kW / ROR all over the place

Posted: Sun 09 Feb, 2020 9:02 pm
by Damian
I would find it helpful.
I get caught quite often, it is easy enough to switch, but would be more convenient if I could continue without powering on/off

Re: HELP Voltage / kW / ROR all over the place

Posted: Wed 12 Feb, 2020 3:12 pm
by kaffelogic
Ok, I'll slip it into the next firmware update.

Re: HELP Voltage / kW / ROR all over the place

Posted: Thu 20 Feb, 2020 12:44 pm
by kaffelogic