Could someone check this profile for me please….

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Re: Could someone check this profile for me please….


Post by Steve »

Great Ben thanks for posting the comparison.
Look foward to hearing your thoughts, I will probably give it a crack in the coming days.
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Re: Could someone check this profile for me please….


Post by Steve »

Great looking roast on paper straight up, no mods needed really smooth the whole way.
This was a Grade 3 commercial Brazil Cerrado, not sure its natural or pulped natural.
Observed the roast with tube off until browning started and this gets close enough to all the stipulated markers.

turning pale white was 3:45 to 4:00 = 154 to 160
Yellowing 4:40 to 5:00 = 168 to 172
Start of browning 6:05 onwards around 183
First crack start was a little drawn out 207 to 210 which is about right for a Brazil natural and pretty subdued first crack all up.

Roasted coffee is notoriously hard to photograph but I think this gives a pretty good representation, looks pretty good have to wait and see how it tastes.
Hoo's Test3.jpg
Hoo's Test3.jpg (45.96 KiB) Viewed 4302 times
(78.76 KiB) Downloaded 325 times
20191202_145806.jpg (3.69 MiB) Viewed 4302 times
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Re: Could someone check this profile for me please….


Post by BenN »

This is extremely looking goo don pic and also on graph, Great trace of line!
Wonder that high rev of fan in initial stage ( comparator to Firestater) could make some difference in inital part of line trace ...,. :roll:
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Re: Could someone check this profile for me please….


Post by Steve »

Definitely Ben! The agitation at the start of this profile is excellent with these lower density Brazil.
Now I just tried it on some smaller / denser / higher gown Guatemalan beans and there was not enough agitation at the start even with this higher fan. So I did another batch at 90g at that pretty much fixes it!

More good news, I pulled several shots already with the Brazil roast and it is everything I thought it would be. It's got that thick sticky body, slightly savoury desert character going on. Really low acid, which helps with perceived sweetness and the after taste is going to stay with me for hours...

It's quite tricky pulling fresh roast coffee as espresso but I have done it enough to know the tricks.
My final parameters were 17.5g in 18g VST basket, 93C brew temp, 32g out in 30sec.

I would encourage all users to do the prescribed " calibration roast" using the 123g of Brazil Cerrado Ninja 2.9 then do the Hoo's Test 3 above and cup them side by side or at least get someone to pull you espresso shots to taste them blind.

I reckon this Hoo's3 could easily be dropped at 1.2 or 1.3 for a light roast and should be plenty soluble enough for espresso while making pretty decent "comfort style" filter coffee.

The espresso shot above is a perfect example of what I would give someone who has never tried straight espresso and assumes they do not like it or has tried it a few times and says they dont like it.
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Re: Could someone check this profile for me please….


Post by BenN »

That's great, Steve. I'll differently try your profile when I do next run.
And watch the initial agitation a bit more carefully,
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Re: Could someone check this profile for me please….


Post by BenN »

I find this one is very good with Mexican beans I have as well.
Very distinctive in sweet aroma and taste, low acidity and volume.
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