Log not being recorded

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Re: Log not being recorded


Post by kaffelogic »

armeniaca wrote: Sun 30 Jun, 2019 1:08 pm Sorry to throw a spanner in your works.
Spanner has hit its mark. We have now released a beta version of the firmware (v 7.3.9) which further addresses the issue of missing log files:

1. It has a more robust response to USB errors, so it can recover from most USB problems and restart the log, and if it can't recover it will tell you (memory sticks can become flaky over time).
2. It has a small memory stick icon that appears in the bottom right corner of the screen while a log is being written. This provides reassurance that a log is being recorded.

The update can be downloaded from our beta page https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Voy1m ... o--Q-ud2cb

Please let us know how this goes for you. If you still have zero-byte log files after this we will have to start thinking about faulty circuitry in your roaster.
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Re: Log not being recorded


Post by agoodkeensavage »

I had the 0kb log problem more often then not. I upgraded the firmware to, which told me that the roaster was having intermittent issues reading the USB. I erased the USB and formatted it to MS-DOS (FAT32). Since then, I've had no issues with the logging.
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Re: Log not being recorded


Post by kaffelogic »

agoodkeensavage wrote: Tue 17 Sep, 2019 11:25 am I had the 0kb log problem more often then not. I upgraded the firmware to, which told me that the roaster was having intermittent issues reading the USB. I erased the USB and formatted it to MS-DOS (FAT32). Since then, I've had no issues with the logging.
Thanks for the comment. It looks like anyone with memory stick issues needs the upgrade: if it doesn't fix the problem it helps you diagnose it.
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