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Liz's Christmas message

Posted: Fri 27 Dec, 2019 1:10 am
by Angela
For those that missed it in the nether regions of the World, here is a transcript of the Christmas Message sent out by Her Royal Majesty - Queen Elizabeth II.

"Phillip and I have both had a bumpy ride this year.

It all started badly when Phillip, driving to meet his fancy piece, collided with a peasant's car.

Ordinarily it wouldn't have mattered but the pesky woman made a fuss in the newspapers, and to appease everyone Phillip had to give up his Driving License. At only 98! I ask you!

Then I sent Charles and that dragon Camilla auff to Australasia, hoping they might drown in a billa-bong or get dragged away by a dingo or some such. But no such luck! To my great chagrin they have both returned; and so have the heavy hints about abdication. We are not going, we tell you! We are not! So there!

And then that silly arsehole, Andrew, allowed himself to get caught up in that Jeffrey Epstein business. We've all known he was peculiar ever since he was a child; but you all know now too, One supposes.

So all in all Our year has been a bit up and down, especially since that rather fetching new Equerry joined Us in Sandringham. Oh! Our golly! Phillip doesn't know about that. Be sure not to let on! One wouldn't be pleased.

One is pleased however to give our Royal Warrant to an antipodean coffee roaster. One commends the Kaffelogic Nano 7 to all you peasants everywhere.

May your Christmas be joyful"

Well, fame at last comes to the Kaffelogic Nano 7! Who would have thought it?

Re: Liz's Christmas message

Posted: Fri 27 Dec, 2019 11:17 pm
by Mark
Ha Ha....Angela....always loved our Queens Xmas message.....thanks for the chuckle!

Cheers Mark