Area Under the Curve

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Area Under the Curve


Post by Sam »

Hi All,

Is "Area Under the Curve" a useful measure of energy transfer to the bean?

I have roasted a Colombian 100gm greens loaded each time using 3 different profiles to the same level and have ended up with essentially the same result.

Steady & Dark L3.6
Ninja L3.5
Firestarter L3.6

I'm assuming I have transferred the same amount of energy to the beans but these data can't easily be extracted from the log file.


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Re: Area Under the Curve


Post by kaffelogic »

Area Under the Curve is a potentially useful feature that is on the list of new features for Studio, but I can't say when it will be implemented.

Meantime you may be able to achieve a lot of analysis in Excel. Export your log to Artisan CSV format without temperature conversion. Use the 'Get external data from text' feature of Excel and import the CSV file using tab as the delimiter.

You can find the area under the curve simply by summing all of the temperature values in a column for the time range you want to analyse (i.e. leaving out the cool down temperatures). The sum of all the temperatures is the area under the graph in deg secs and can be compared from log to log.

I am very interested in hearing how you go with this.

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Re: Area Under the Curve


Post by Damian »

Meantime you may be able to achieve a lot of analysis in Excel. Export your log to Artisan CSV format without temperature conversion. Use the 'Get external data from text' feature of Excel and import the CSV file using tab as the delimiter.
:lol: I should have tried this, I copied the data from the klog files, removed stuff not required, them pasted in excel
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Re: Area Under the Curve


Post by Sam »


Will give Excel a try. Thx.

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