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Scorched beans

Posted: Wed 26 Feb, 2020 9:28 am
by Sam
Hi All,

My last roasts produce a number of scorched beans.

I roasted 100gm lots of Brazil Santos using the Ninja profile to L3.0 DTR 20% and Yirgacheffe using Firestarter to L2.9 DTR 25%. Both roasts produced some scorching.

Is there any understanding of what may be causing the scorched beans? What can be done to avoid this?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Scorched beans

Posted: Thu 27 Feb, 2020 2:44 pm
by kaffelogic
There is a discussion in this thread about this: ... rt=60#p752.

If there is not enough air to circulate the beans adequately at the start of the roast some burnt beans appear. Quick test: lower the size of the batch by 10-20g.

If there is too much heat for the beans - lower density beans conduct less heat to the interior so are more prone to scorching - try reducing the slope of the profile curve at the start of the roast, or after FC. The same effect can be achieved by increasing the fan speed at these times.
