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Dark roast

Posted: Wed 01 Apr, 2020 6:48 pm
by Simon
Hi all,

Following our discussion this morning on the virtual cafe, here are two logs.

152 is the profile I've been using for a while, with reasonable results.
155 is the profile I created on Monday night to have a minimal ROR after first crack.

My aim is to produce a dark roast (toffee/caramel/almond/dried fruit/biscuit flavours, rather than fruity flavours) without destroying the beans...


Re: Dark roast

Posted: Thu 02 Apr, 2020 8:25 am
by Simon
Also here are images of my espresso machine basket. The internet tells me this is a 14g basket. With 20g dosed there is a slight indentation in the puck from the shower screen after brewing.

Also; the InCafe Peruvian blend is "a mix of Caturra / Catimor / Catuai variety" with "a short roasting window".