Week 1: Getting started Wednesday 22 April 2020
- Download and install Studio
- Join the forum and subscribe to get email notifications
- Set up your browser so that profiles open in Studio with one click
- Find a profile on the forum and get it onto your roaster
- First crack, how to log it and what development time means
- How to log Colour change and why you might do this
- How to log FC end and why you might do this
- How to use DTR to quickly dial in the level for a new shipment of beans with a familiar profile
- What are the difficulty levels and how do they work
- How to zoom and what you might be looking for when you zoom in a log
- Normal: FC, SC, crash, flick, exothermic rush, flat ROR
- Defects: PID oscillations, power flatlining, fan speed calibration errors, element faults - What options might you need to set, esp ROR smoothing and scaling
- What info will you see in the About tab
Week 4 Studio workflow Monday 11 & Wednesday 13 May 2020
- Dragging and smoothing points
- Entering point positions as typed-in numbers
- Difference between actual and expected event times
- Working off a profile making iterative versions
- Working off logs using extract-to-edit
Week 5 Roast phases Monday 18 & Wednesday 20 May 2020
- Explanation of the three roast phases
- Why does air flow and load affect the temperature of the phase changes
- How does energy at the start affect development at the end
Our schedule has been disrupted during the week 25-29 May. During this week we have been concentrating on coaching participants with profiles they are creating. We have also had some technical issues with recording sessions, so we have moved this week's topics into next week to ensure they are captured. Here is a recording of Wednesday's tutorial https://vimeo.com/423364483 and Thursday's https://vimeo.com/426070112
Week 6 Starting the roast off Tuesday 2 & Wednesday 3 June 2020
- What is turning point and why does the Kaffelogic not have it
- How the start is controlled
- preheat power,
- roast required power,
- min desired rate of rise - How does environmental temperature affect the start
- Exothermic rush
- Crash
- Flick
- Wobble
- Using a corner to avoid overshoot
- When would you need a corner setting
- How to set it up and tune it.
Week 8 Customising the roast levels 15 and 17 June
- Why would you do this
- How it works
- Overview of differences between a profile ready for publication, vs just your own use
- Why would you do this
- Using merge to copy a fan profile into a roast profile
- What are the limits and what you should avoid doing
- Sample roasting vs profile development
- Import/export and the workflow when using Kaffelogic to develop profiles for a production roaster
- Artisan
- Cropster
- Sonofresco
- Ikawa compatibility