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Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 1:30 am
by Angela
Would it be a good idea to feedback in one place on the core profiles?

Let me kick off by saying the new profiles work well, on the whole, for me. As stated earlier the First crack is at 206C or close by for most of my roasts.

My present batch of Yirgacheffe naturals sing their thanks to thank Wayne each time they are roasted with the 2000-2700m Rest or RTD - they love either.

However, attempting to roast some old, possibly dry, Cerrado has surprised me with how burnt they seem using 0-1200m Rest and RTD. The carbon notes are over-powering at level three and still there at level 2.4. At 3 there is obvious charring and slightly apparent at 2.4. I only bought the Cerrado in an attempt to accurately set the air-flow parameter after the impeller was changed. Once that job was done they have languished until recent re-discovery.

Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 8:32 am
by nrdlnd
Angela wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 1:30 am Would it be a good idea to feedback in one place on the core profiles?
Yes a very good idea!
Angela wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 1:30 am Let me kick off by saying the new profiles work well, on the whole, for me. As stated earlier the First crack is at 206C or close by for most of my roasts.
My present batch of Yirgacheffe naturals sing their thanks to thank Wayne each time they are roasted with the 2000-2700m Rest or RTD - they love either.
Very valuable feedback! I will try it on my Ethiopians. How do you drink your coffee? Espresso? What L?
Angela wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 1:30 am However, attempting to roast some old, possibly dry, Cerrado has surprised me with how burnt they seem using 0-1200m Rest and RTD. The carbon notes are over-powering at level three and still there at level 2.4. At 3 there is obvious charring and slightly apparent at 2.4. I only bought the Cerrado in an attempt to accurately set the air-flow parameter after the impeller was changed. Once that job was done they have languished until recent re-discovery.
I have a thought. Maybe the lower altitude Brazilians need a slower start. The preheat is rather low but the ROR is rather high in the beginning. They are low density I think and cannot transfer heat so fast and maybe that's why they burn. If you cut the beans are they evenly roasted inside? They may need a more extended and slower roast?

Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 12:34 pm
by Wayne
Hi Angela and Nrdlnd

Thank you for the feedback and its great that you are getting these results from the profiles Angela .

This feedback is really invaluable . Im sorry I cant help with your Cerado .. Unfortunately , from your thread , if the coffee is old and really has nothing to offer , you really are not going to get much .

I have created a topic for Feedback on the profiles under the Official Kaffelogic core profiles . Please feel free to contribute to this on this topic page .

Again , thank you for your feedback . Just to let you know what we have planned from Wednesday the 09 September , New Virtual cafe sessions where we start out with understanding Green coffee and the focus is on planning your roast strategy from buying green to extraction . I will post the release on the forum today . Just waiting on the correct type from Marketing . Would love you all to attend . The aim moving forward is to host Forum specific meetings like this on roasting , extraction and brewing and of course green knowledge .

Have a great weekend


Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 8:13 pm
by Angela
nrdlnd wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 8:32 am .... I will try it on my Ethiopians. How do you drink your coffee? Espresso? What L?
I mostly use espresso 1:2 ratio, or thereabout for Ethiopians to avoid too much acidity, roasted to level 2.1. But the Yirgacheffe beans do give a very tea like experience with the French Press as well which I choose to have sometimes. However, I find that can be a little over-powering and generally prefer the heavier mouthfeel of espresso.

@Wayne I would love to visit the virtual café but some of use are half-way around the World and are asleep whilst your café is open!
And I will throw the remaining Cerrado away as beyond their time; I do have a tendency to hoard; I will work on that! Forgive me, Oh Exulted One, for casting aspersions on 0-1200~ :)

Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 8:19 pm
by Angela
Wayne wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 12:34 pm
I have created a topic for Feedback on the profiles under the Official Kaffelogic core profiles . Please feel free to contribute to this on this topic page .

Might you ask Chris to migrate all this thread to be under your opened topic?

Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 9:51 pm
by Geronimo
Angela wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 1:30 am I only bought the Cerrado in an attempt to accurately set the air-flow parameter after the impeller was changed.
Hi Angela

What happened to your impeller?


Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Sat 29 Aug, 2020 7:22 pm
by Angela
Geronimo wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 9:51 pm Hi Angela

What happened to your impeller?

Hi Geronimo, It was a pre-production machine damaged in transit to the UK.

Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Sat 29 Aug, 2020 9:45 pm
by Geronimo
Angela wrote: Sat 29 Aug, 2020 7:22 pm
Geronimo wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 9:51 pm Hi Angela

What happened to your impeller?

Hi Geronimo, It was a pre-production machine damaged in transit to the UK.
Hi Angela

Yeah some of the international handling can be a bit rough.


Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Sun 30 Aug, 2020 10:52 am
by fnq
I drink espresso and milk based espressos only ATM

I have backtracked to using these core roasts initially at their recommended roast levels, to get more of a handle on distinct bean traits. I really like the way they are not requiring over 1350 watts of power. ( My roast logs emulate the profile very well.)

A big success for me is using a 2000-2700 RTD profile for a very very drinkable outcome - virtually straight out of the roaster. (Peru bean, cocoa flavour, no defects i could taste)

I use the REST profiles predominantly, but it is good to know if i get caught short the RTD profiles create good tasting coffee.

I use 100 gm batch size and have very consistent roasts.

When I find good beans i can get great tastes. I am not sure if i have mastered getting the best out of Blend BASE beans. Eg Brazil pulped natural - lower altitude? ( i will explore different roast depths next)

Only 80 logs into roasting, so very early days yet, but i am very happy with the KL and these profiles.
Cheers Darryl

Re: Feedback for the Core Profiles

Posted: Mon 07 Sep, 2020 9:17 am
by nrdlnd
Angela wrote: Fri 28 Aug, 2020 8:13 pm I mostly use espresso 1:2 ratio, or thereabout for Ethiopians to avoid too much acidity, roasted to level 2.1. But the Yirgacheffe beans do give a very tea like experience with the French Press as well which I choose to have sometimes. However, I find that can be a little over-powering and generally prefer the heavier mouthfeel of espresso.
Now I've tried the 2000-2700m Rest with one of my Ethiopians; Amaro Gayo. I registered 1C at 6:34 at 211,2 deg. Roast end at 8:33 at 221,2 deg. L=3.2. Medium Dark (City+ maybe). Evenly roasted without defects but as with many Ethiopians some uneveness in the size of the beans. DTR became around 23%. I'm a little conservative about DTR and I want to start between 20-25%. I haven't tasted it yet.

Angela, I can see that you roast rather light with a L=2.1. Usually if I roast that light my espresso becomes too acid for my taste. It's usually OK with pour over though.

I have got some good results with the 1500-2000m Rest with fully washed beans grown at an altitude around 1800m (a Burundi Bourbon and a Java Blawan). Very evenly roasted and no defects. Thank you Wayne for the good work!