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Posted: Mon 18 Jan, 2021 12:37 pm
by Amberale
Hello Roasters.
Just popping in to introduce myself after finally signing up.

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum/thread.
I am a novice roaster in rural Victoria, Australia.
I purchased my Nano7 about a month ago and have been having fun learning the craft with beans from Beanbay in Geelong.
I have complicated my learning curve somewhat by also changing my grinder and espresso machine but I am still very happy with my results so far.
I am playing with the 12 standard roasts so far as I generally use an Ipad and haven’t/can’t download the other software.
There is plenty of scope within those profiles to keep me going for quite a while yet. :)
It is hard to believe how easy this machine makes roasting.

Anyway, I look forward to picking the brains of you good folk and seeing what the future brings to this process.

Cheers Craig aka Amberale

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat 30 Jan, 2021 9:05 pm
by fnq
Hi Craig

They are a quiet lot on this site: so belated welcome.

Sounds like the triple upgrades will definitely keep you on your toes. - lucky you.

I have found the BB Columbian VG and the Peru CDJ?? good single origin beans for medium dark espresso / milk drinks, and are a good bunch to roast - i use the RTD profiles for the correct height above sea level on these at around 3.4 Roast level... a couple of people have found the need to go a bit finer on grind for the Peruvian bean - so it can test your grinder adaptation speed Cheers Darryl

Re: Hello

Posted: Wed 09 Feb, 2022 11:48 pm
by Amberale
I have finally got my hands on a microsoft laptop and downloaded the Kaffelogic software.
Let the games begin! :) :D

Re: Hello

Posted: Mon 18 Apr, 2022 8:01 pm
by Femelle
Hi Amberale,

How are your Kaffelogic roasting experiments going?

I've just left the safety of my learner beans (Indian Elephant Hills) and struck out into unchartered territory (for me). I want to experiment a bit with different blends loosely based, in the first instance, on the highly regarded KJM blend. So today I did 100g each of Peru Ceja, an Ethiopian Harrar, Indonesian Sulawesi blue and some Costa Rican Tarazu. All stacked away for at least a week or so before I try them both as SO and a blend. It'll be interesting to see how it ll goes.

I've been using the altitude profiles and, after that, my first question is always how dark to go. This time round I've gone to 3.4 for the Peru Ceja and the Costa Rican, 3.2 for the Sulawesi and 2.8 for the Harrar - all based on things people have written as to where they have found the various beans give them the flavours they want. Phew.

With so many variables I can see that this will keep me going for quite a while. I'm hoping that tasting each one as a SO will help me refine the selection relatively quickly.

How are you approaching it all? Even though you've had the Kaffelogic about as long as I have, you're very much more experienced in roasting generally, I think. so your experiences would be very interesting, I'd love to hear whatever you wanted to share.

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri 22 Apr, 2022 10:59 am
by fnq
Hi Femelle

My first foray into blends, was to follow the KJM also.- and using similar roast profiles and roast levels.
I post blend.
This drank as good but not astonishing. I have had behmor preblended KJM and my recollections were of a lovely blend. I was very close to the original beans -using THE guat HueHue beans as the central American bean.

I share this, as in my experience, this is one blend that i haven't been able to smash out of the park ( maybe 4 bean mix introduced too many variables for me to master. -Good luck and report back please . Darryl

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri 22 Apr, 2022 3:21 pm
by Femelle
Well I'm giving it a red hot go.

I've done two different things:

1. Separately roasted the four beans, all at 1500-2000 MASL rest profiles - Peru Ceja de Silva, 3.4; Guatemalan Jacaltenango SHB, 3.4; Indonesian Sulawesi Blue, 3.2 and Eth Harrar F/T, 2.8

2. Preblended and again used the 1500-2000 MASL profile at 3.4.

It's all guesswork but sometime next week or ten days I'll blend the first lot and then do an a/b tasting.

This 3.4 level is becoming a starting point for me, from which I go up and down so I'll see how it goes with this and post back.

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri 22 Apr, 2022 3:26 pm
by Femelle
I see I originally posted that I'd roasted a Costa Rican Tarazu as my Central bean. I did, but realised that there wasn't enough of it so I then did the Guatemalan as well. I'll try the Tarazu as a SO and use the Guatemalan in the blend. The Costa Rican was a small part of a tasting batch.