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Roasting Honey Process

Posted: Tue 02 Feb, 2021 11:37 am
by mr. bean
Does anyone have much experience roasting Honey processed beans?

I've tried 2 now (Costa Rica Pilas, and Dominican Republic Cibao). Only a few roasts so far, but I've noticed with both that 1st Crack is happening later than typical washed or naturals.
The Costa Rica is around 215deg, with different profiles used.
The Dominican Republic was really hard to detect 1st C at all, with just a few isolated cracks, around 215-217deg, and then some popping around 224+. The beans don't look like they got to 2nd Crack, so not sure what's going on there...

I've also been using lower initial temps / slower ramp up at the start, as the general advice I'm reading online with honey process is not to charge too high and to draw out the drying phase a little more.

But I'm keen to here advice from anyone who's had success with Honey processed on the Kaffelogic!