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photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Tue 13 Jul, 2021 8:26 pm
by peleep
hi all. any tips, photos appreciated.
New machine.
I have completed the initial no bean test.
Followed by 100g roasts of the same single origin beans from Vietnam, using the 1500-2000m elevation RTD profile. I have used level 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5. There is not a "classic" profile present on my USB stick.
All of them look pretty much the same in colour, unevenness. They taste the same, and smell the same. This surely cannot be right?
My Korean made S100-CR machine produces much better even results than this Nano07 (UK version) machine, with predictable roast darkness results.
see photos. comments, tips, suggestions, other photos welcome.
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Tue 13 Jul, 2021 9:50 pm
by Matt S
I haven’t used beans from Vietnam before, but they look a lot lighter than I would expect for the roast levels you used. Something doesn’t seem quite right. Did you note the timing and temperature of first crack?
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Tue 13 Jul, 2021 10:07 pm
by peleep
thanks Matt i agree something is not quite right. the first crack on all occasions were around the 7 minute 30 seconds mark. give or take.
logs here if you're interested.
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Tue 13 Jul, 2021 10:58 pm
by Matt S
Thanks. I can’t view the logs right now, as I’m not with my computer, but my best guess is you might have an issue with your fan calibration. Some of those beans don’t look like they’ve made it to first crack and others do. It’s an easy fix - have a look in the manual and there is a section on checking the fan calibration. On your next batch take the chaff collector off at the start and have a look at how well the beans are moving. Did you get any beans that flew up into the chaff collector during the roast?
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Thu 15 Jul, 2021 2:57 am
by peleep
Thank you Matt. Well is sent my outputs to Wayne. and his response was every thing looks normal. but he will look in detail.
I agree with you . something is not right. and the 5.5 levels dont even look like made it past full city.
Out of interest: do you have any photos of any roasts at 4 4.5 5.0 5.5 etc for comparison?
for me: it did not look like there was any real discernable difference between those levels. And the only variable i changed was the Roast level.
i include here a 5.5 from the Superdark and a 5.5 from the Classic profiles. barely different to the 1500-2000 RTD @ 5.5.
something is not quite right....what do you think ?
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Thu 15 Jul, 2021 3:19 pm
by Matt S
Hi, I’m more of a light to medium/light roast drinker so I normally don’t roast much beyond level 2.5, so mine won’t be a direct comparison. I do typically find the colour on my beans to be much more even than your photos however. I guess another possibility is that your beans from Vietnam are different to what I’m used to using. Do you have any other beans that you could try and see if the result is the same?
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Thu 15 Jul, 2021 8:00 pm
by peleep
do you have any photos of colour when you roast to 2.5? i bet yours at 2.5 would be little different to mine at 4.0 or even 5.0!
i just find it so strange that i'm achieving no variation from 4 all the way to 5.5 on 3 different profiles.
i also have a korean made S100-CR and you can reliably achieving diffferent roast levels.
i am also not a french roast level drinker however with the new kaffelogic ferrari i wanted to test it from low to max speed. figuratively speaking. and so far the speedo might say 100km/h but the actual speed has been mo more than 50km/h . figuratively speaking to use the analogy.
i'm waiting on more beans to arrive.
i'm originally from melbourne. mved to uk in 2004 .
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Thu 15 Jul, 2021 11:14 pm
by Geronimo
Was looking through your photos and wondering if some of the beans have lost their moisture content compared to others? I had some beans that had lots of defects and lots of light coloured beans when roasted. They were replaced at no cost for a more recent batch and came out nice and even.
I’d still expect them to be darker than what I’m seeing. Anything over 5 should be dark.
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Fri 16 Jul, 2021 12:37 am
by peleep
thanks. i would've thought so. logically and intuitively a 5 level should result in much darker colouration compared to a 4. etc. but you can see in my photos there was very little variation. thus my conclusion is it' the machine and not the beans at fault.
i would appreciate some photos of your roasts and at what levels so for comparison.
i've not found not found any photos to compare with , roast colour range photos....
Re: photos of different roast levels for comparison?
Posted: Fri 16 Jul, 2021 7:54 am
by Geronimo
Probably not helpful to you, but I’ve recently (two days ago), a 4 bean blend, and has varying levels, the blend has a range of levels from 3.2 thru to 5.0
I can post a photo if need be, but as they are already blended and can’t tell which bean is what level, it’s probably not helpful.