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Software Suggestion - Users Files

Posted: Fri 20 Aug, 2021 5:21 pm
by Flowta
Thanks KaffeeLogic. Ive been roasting for many years, but its only in the last week (of new ownership) that I’ve discovered that there really can be subtle and different coffee tastes (I previously thought these mythical). Thanks also for providing your wonderful roaster with the profile and log options in Studio for recording and assessment of roasts.

But now I need to think about how I can most usefully develop my use of all this.

The logs you provide, and the ‘tasting notes’ option are invaluable. But how do I develop a plan or process for a particular green, or for a blend, or perhaps for an approach or new profile? This requires notes covering/comparing multiple roasts and possibly multiple profiles? Keeping track of this is daunting.

I have a suggestion that if possible will greatly assist me, and others.

A simple software addition (bet you’ve never heard that before:) would be invaluable. It can be added to both Profile and Log files used by Studio.

I propose you add 1 additional user filled field and call it ‘User Files’. In it users can add 1 (or more) single words describing what file they wish to have linked to the profile or log. These .txt files can sit in the KaffeeLogic folder under a notes sub folder. The txt file can be created if it doesn’t exist, and the (file)word can be turned into a link to the file for easy quick access. File words (links) in a profile file would automatically be copied to each log file on creation. Perhaps an update button could also be provided to append a link (new log or other details) to this user file back to each log or profile file.

What users do with these files is up to them. But I would be able to quickly view (and record and assess) outcomes of different roasts using changed or different profiles for a particular green (or blend), and easily/quickly access these. You could also easily keep track of profile adjustments.

I know you guys are busy. This is just a thought that I hope might assist the community.

Re: Software Suggestion - Users Files

Posted: Mon 23 Aug, 2021 9:37 am
by BenN
I normally add text to tasting note filed ( about this file tab ) which is free multi-line text on logs.
I place date, beans, weight loss and some observation note just after day's session.
It's not quite taste note, but I'm treating like "User Memo'.

I take memo on piece of paper during multiple back to back roast for day, then transfer to there for easy access.
For profile there is a description field that I can use.

Re: Software Suggestion - Users Files

Posted: Tue 24 Aug, 2021 7:11 pm
by kaffelogic
I understand what you are asking Ben, but I think maybe it would add complexity when there are other ways of organising things.

The "View memory stick" tool allows you to see logs and their roasting notes all in the one view.

Folders can be used to organise logs and profiles on your laptop. Wayne might have some advice to add about this, I know he is very systematic about how he organises profile and log files.

There is a limitation that the profile description does not get recorded in the log. This is because the Nano 7 does not have a lot of spare memory so it does not actually load the description when it loads the profile. So it's not available to write to the log at the time of roasting. There are ways of potentially dealing with this, but adding this feature has not been a high priority.

I always like to consider your suggestions and will always strive to use them to make the product better, so any additional comments or suggestions on this topic would be appreciated.

Re: Software Suggestion - Users Files

Posted: Tue 24 Aug, 2021 7:23 pm
by BenN
I'm quite happy utilising existing multi text field.
Thanks for mention of view memory stick tool, that is quite good one.

One thing I wish is that extend that view to say any user specific folder that place to be configured in to config page?
I usually copy logs and profile to PC for backup in same structure as USB stick and if I can view that place in same way that will be great as I do not need USB memory place to PC every time.

I know new version also copy logs to backup place. That may be a default place?

What do you think, @Flowta?

Re: Software Suggestion - Users Files

Posted: Wed 25 Aug, 2021 2:04 pm
by Flowta
Hi BenN, Hi KaffeLogic

This is all very useful to me. I suppose what Im really looking to know is what systems others use to record their observations, comparisons and conclusions in their roasting journey.

I was'nt aware of the tight memory aspect of the roaster. It's admirable that so much functionality is there with this limitation. I suppose we no longer think in term of memory limitations.

What useful for one person is often irrelevant to others. But BenN's observations about adding a link in Studio to the PC (Mac) based location of a kaffelogic backup folder chosen by the user in setup sounds perfect (maybe for everyone). Combine this with a backup button or auto backup of the USB log data and there are many positives.

And these improvements are all be Studio based and useful extensions of current functionality.

My idea of creating files from within Profiles or Logs for users to record their comparisons may not be as universally useful. I don't know.

Perhaps others might share how they go about this (ie file, documents, processes) :?: That could help me get organised.

Re: Software Suggestion - Users Files

Posted: Thu 26 Aug, 2021 6:37 pm
by BenN
I've thinking and actually I think related to this topic.
as I have multiple device ( tablet, laptop and desktop PC) each of those have studio installed,
I normally do most of work on desktop but occasionally want to open the profile or log on tablet.

What I come up with is use google drive to save those as an backup folder and sync on those devices, so the files are always available among the device whatever near me.

Now, wonder if we can specify there the root of backup folder used by studio is... because each device may sync to different root folder and hence slightly different path, Those auto backup feature of studio will copy the file there. Even better, if we can open from backup and edit/save/

Time to time we have so many profiles and variance accumulated but I tend to hold subset of profile to USB so when cycle to select profile on roaster is faster. What I have is Profile archive folder that save one that I normally not use but save for reference.

below is set of folders I have on stick and my cloud folder. Some maybe not relevant to most of people. Just example.
USB Folders.jpg
USB Folders.jpg (28.88 KiB) Viewed 9789 times