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KL Studio Spelling Mistakes

Posted: Sun 26 Sep, 2021 10:01 pm
by Yochiya
Been having fun with my KL and KL Studio.

Not sure if its intended but I found some missing characters throughout KL Studio, see screenshot attached.

When looking at a profiles, on the right it calls Drying "Dryin", Development is "Developmen" and if you change roast depth down to 1 it will show your roast is "Ligh" as opposed to light.

Not major, but certainly a detractor :? .

Re: KL Studio Spelling Mistakes

Posted: Sun 26 Sep, 2021 10:14 pm
by Yochiya
Quick confirmation this does not seem the be present in the Windows version, the screenshot was from a Mac.

Re: KL Studio Spelling Mistakes

Posted: Mon 27 Sep, 2021 9:39 am
by Wayne
Hi Yochia

Thank you for this. I am not suffering with this at all.

Could you please let me know what version of Studio are you using? Is this the latest KL Studio version?

If you go into to "Options" and then "General Options" tabs and change these. Could I please ask you to manually change these and see if this has made a difference?

I will flag this with Chris.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.



Re: KL Studio Spelling Mistakes

Posted: Mon 27 Sep, 2021 9:51 am
by Yochiya
Hey Wayne,

The values in the advanced options seem OK, see screenshot attached. I can confirm when I add a "space" or character after the phase name it does reflect for example if I change phase 1 to "Drying " it works meaning the right most character is sometimes dropped.

My Version is the latest one for Mac it would seem.

Re: KL Studio Spelling Mistakes

Posted: Mon 27 Sep, 2021 9:56 am
by Wayne
Very odd..

I will have a chat to chris about this. I am so sorry for the frustration. Hopefully He will have an answer for me ASAP. I'll have him check on his side.

I have training sessions throughout the day on Kaffelogic Studio, I will check with the trainees to see if any of them are picking up the same issue.



Re: KL Studio Spelling Mistakes

Posted: Mon 27 Sep, 2021 9:58 am
by Yochiya
No Stress Wayne, I work in software and am very well acquainted with bugs, they will happen 100% of the time some times.
