Going lighter and looking for a bit more acidity

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Going lighter and looking for a bit more acidity


Post by coffeepress »


I am new to roasting and just got the Nano 7. I’ve been doing several test runs and trying to get the hang of things. I’ve already done three and they are getting closer to the flavors I like with a bit of acidity similar to a more modern coffee roast. One question I have is whether I should keep the roast level constant and tweak the flavor via the % in the development phase or if I need to tweak the roast level as well.

Here’s two roast I did as an example:

1. 1.5-2k profile at roast level 2.1 with 22.5% development: too bitter. A bit too dark for my taste.
2. 1.5-2k profile at roast level 2.5 with 19.5% development: less bitter and closer to what I am looking for but a bit too dark.

Should I stick to rule that the development should be 20% of the total roast and just play with the roast level? Or should I tweak both? Is there any “grind finer” type advice I can follow in this regard? :lol:

Any advice would be appreciated.
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looking for more acidity


Post by Newlog »

High! I am a beginner with the NANO7 and have roasted an INDIA KERALA, at recommended Level 3,0= 21°C ca.
Preload-profil was from KL 0-1200m RTD .it came boring and with lack of acidity. So I wanted to roast lighter and used the same profile.I randomly interruped = finished the roast at Level 0,7, but it was quite good with only some acidity. But the DTR was 33% in roast 1 and 22% in roast2. (end-temp 213°C) Do not know, how to increase acidity by other methods. I assume by changing and shortening the whole roast curve from the beginning.
I also saw,when it comes to save the roast-log as a profile, not the used Level is saved, but still the recommended level of the preloaded profile.Musst be chosen on the roaster,when beginning.
Good times! Best results!

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