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Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Tue 10 Jan, 2023 2:19 pm
by benjaminfleon

I'm writing this because I've been having recurring issues with Kaffelogic Studio on my M1 Macbook. I've been running the last available version of Studio (v. 6.0.3) and I usually have to open and close it several times before it works.

The application doesn't respond and I have to quit it and reboot around 10-15 times before I'm lucky enough for it to work. I've had to keep it open on the background to avoid this; but this is not ideal.

I had a similar issue with the last Studio version, but it wasn't this bad. Didn't have this issue at all with the version before that.

I hope this can be addressed in a future version, but as I realize this can take some time I was wondering if it's possible for someone to share a past version of Studio.


Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Thu 12 Jan, 2023 12:53 pm
by kaffelogic
Here are a couple of earlier versions: ... 5.0.14.pkg ... 4.4.1.pkg

Let us know if these give better results for you. The problems you are having are difficult for us to resolve because we are unable to replicate them and they are not affecting the vast majority of users. Your feedback will help us identify the issue and fix it.

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Fri 13 Jan, 2023 9:46 am
by VladP

I have exactly the same problems with Studio on my Mac M1 as Benjamin.
I sent you since months logs of crashes, once even with a more detailed description.
For me it is frustrating not to be sure that I can work with Studio when I need it. Sometimes I am not able to start it even after many tries, restarts of the Mac, etc...which ends in roasting with profiles I have on the USB stick instead of adapting profiles as I like, for my needs.
Also, I think that the number of Mac users is not insignificant, so, it would be great if we could enjoy a stable and reliable version of Studio.


Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 8:46 am
by kaffelogic
Hello Vlad,
I appreciate the frustration you are experiencing. Unfortunately we have not had any success replicating the problem behaviour across our test machines so it is difficult for us to identify the problem. Could you please try installing this version (which has the splash screen and tips disabled) and let me know if it works for you.

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 10:52 am
by mschinis
Hello, I can replicate the exact same issue as Vlad and Benjamin on my m1 ultra mac studio.

As a software engineer myself, I naturally began debugging the issue trying to find some way to make it work.

Here's what I found

After about 5-10 attempts to open the app, I got the attached error log pop up.
Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 12.37.37 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 12.37.37 PM.png (482.04 KiB) Viewed 11181 times
After about 20 attempts to reopen the app, I managed to disable the tips, but subsequent reopens keep hanging.

I found a workaround of reliably getting the app to work, where keeping the "Escape button" pressed as soon as I launch the app, always lets the app boot up correctly. What I did notice however, is that the app feels and runs very slow. Adjusting the bean temp curve, takes about 1-2s for the UI to update the curve.

I tried the version with the splash screen disabled, and I can confirm that the boot up issue is no longer there. The app performance issue however is definitely there. Just opening the app and keeping it there idle, consumes 13% of my CPU.
Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 11.47.04 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 11.47.04 PM.png (672.9 KiB) Viewed 11181 times
Making one adjustment to the bean temperature curve, and that metric jumps to 40%-60%.
Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 11.47.04 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 11.47.04 PM.png (672.9 KiB) Viewed 11181 times
Considering the m1 ultra's cpu capacity, I don't see why kaffelogic studio uses up so much of the cpu.

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Fri 20 Jan, 2023 12:21 am
by brunopresotto
I have a M1 MacBook Air and I have the same issue!
Most of the time Kaffelogic Studio freezes when i open it… I have to “Force Quit” and reopen it a few times (usually around 3 and 5, but sometimes more…) until it works!
It’s extremely frustrating!
Please do something to fix this!

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Fri 20 Jan, 2023 12:33 am
by mschinis
brunopresotto wrote: Fri 20 Jan, 2023 12:21 am Most of the time Kaffelogic Studio freezes when i open it… I have to “Force Quit” and reopen it a few times (usually around 3 and 5, but sometimes more…) until it works!
Does the following temporary workaround, from my previous post work for you?
mschinis wrote: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 10:52 am I found a workaround of reliably getting the app to work, where keeping the "Escape button" pressed as soon as I launch the app, always lets the app boot up correctly. What I did notice however, is that the app feels and runs very slow. Adjusting the bean temp curve, takes about 1-2s for the UI to update the curve.

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Fri 20 Jan, 2023 1:24 am
by brunopresotto
I’ve just done 5 attempts now keeping the ESC pressed from the millisecond after i open the app to 3 seconds after the white rectangle vanishes: First attempt was successful! The other 4 didn’t work! :’(

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Fri 20 Jan, 2023 1:49 am
by VladP
mschinis wrote: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 10:52 am I found a workaround of reliably getting the app to work, where keeping the "Escape button" pressed as soon as I launch the app, always lets the app boot up correctly.
I tried this procedure about 20-25 times, and it works but only sometimes, about 30% of the starts, and only when I press the ESC key in the millisecond after starting Studio, and keep it pressed until I have the confirmation ("Kaffelogic Studio" text in the upper left screen) that the app started correctly.

However, even if the app is freezing and fail to completely start:

- the CPU / Energy usage is high (highest among all apps) and
- the cable communication with the Nano7 works (!!!): it recognises when I connect the Nano, it sshos how it synchronises folders with the roaster.

So, parts of Studio seem to run... :cry:
mschinis wrote: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 10:52 am What I did notice however, is that the app feels and runs very slow. Adjusting the bean temp curve, takes about 1-2s for the UI to update the curve.
For me, when it started, it was not slower than usual - I cannot confirm the 1-2s delay.

I very much hope to get soon a fix for this situation.

Re: Studio Issues with M1 Macbook

Posted: Fri 20 Jan, 2023 2:30 am
by VladP
kaffelogic wrote: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 8:46 am Unfortunately we have not had any success replicating the problem behaviour across our test machines so it is difficult for us to identify the problem. Could you please try installing this version (which has the splash screen and tips disabled) and let me know if it works for you.
Tested! 3 times start OK / 9 times frozen