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First impression: terrible buttons

Posted: Fri 13 Jan, 2023 8:23 am
by RupertPupkin
I received my Nano 7e this week and it is a fantastic machine!
One thing though, the buttons are really terrible. For a $1000 piece you expect more. Feels like a prototype. I was kind of depressed when I first saw them. I mean, even my kids toys have buttons with better feeling.

I really hope you will fix this in next version.

Anyway, I am super excited and am looking forward to roast with it!

Re: First impression: terrible buttons

Posted: Fri 14 Apr, 2023 5:38 am
by JonFairhurst
I actually like the buttons, because they require little force to operate. If the buttons required more force, the unit might move around, or I might have to hold the machine with my other hand.

The buttons are black on black, but they protrude, they are easily found by touch. They offer good tactile feedback, so I know when I have clicked them.

They do feel a bit loose, so that might detract from a feeling of high quality, but this could be subjective.

If the buttons get an update, please ensure that they continue to be found by feeling, have a light touch, and provide feedback when clicked. Those characteristics give them great usability.