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bean trapped behind heat chamber ports

Posted: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 7:27 am
by rob_wickham
I mentioned this in the FB group, but saw no replies to this specific aspect -- I have a single bean that snuck backward into one of the output ports in the heat chamber. Briefly, it was partially visible but fell back all the way when I tried to bump it out all the way.

I think part of the problem is how each of the 15 ports have an extra "flair" to them that happens to let a bean inside.

How do I get the bean out? I've only had my Nano 7 since late December 2022 and I don't want to have any warranty claim issues in the future if there's an issue I cannot address myself. I'm pretty handy, having built a DIY fluid bead roaster, so I'm not worried about being successful in taking the Nano 7 apart (unless there are critical techniques I need informed of.)

Re: bean trapped behind heat chamber ports

Posted: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 7:55 am
by Justine
Hi Rob,

As the beans are brittle could you shatter it by poking it with something sharp? Whilst tipping the roster so the shards fall into the main chamber.

I've not had this issue. Usually it's a bean stuck firmly on the heat probe which needs delicate squeezing to shatter.

Cheers, Justine

Re: bean trapped behind heat chamber ports

Posted: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 8:15 am
by rob_wickham
Hi Justine, the bean is no longer visible thru the ports in the chamber. The last time I saw it, it was just about 25% of it sticking out, so very little to work with. I have some nice tweezers for next time I see it, unless I get some better guidance on warranty concerns or user-disassembly concerns.

Re: bean trapped behind heat chamber ports

Posted: Wed 18 Jan, 2023 9:06 am
by kaffelogic
Hi Rob
We take a reasonable position on the warranty issue. That is, opening the roaster does not automatically void your warranty. However, you should do so under the guidance of our support team, so please write to [email protected] for assistance. In your case it does require some disassembly to remove the stray bean.

Re: bean trapped behind heat chamber ports

Posted: Sat 04 Mar, 2023 9:29 pm
by japhethlim
Hi Rob, did you manage to open up the roaster to remove the bean? I have the same issue.

Re: bean trapped behind heat chamber ports

Posted: Sun 05 Mar, 2023 2:22 am
by rob_wickham
Yeah, it was super easy and just involved the top cover being removed. Their support team sent me a detailed document, but ultimately it was just those two screws at the top and some gentle exploration.