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Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Fri 21 Jul, 2023 7:03 pm
by avk

Just wanted to ask if the live roast tracking from the Nucleus Link studio will be put into the Kaffelogic studio at some point?

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Tue 25 Jul, 2023 9:07 am
by SeanBrews
Hi Avk,

Yes, live roasting will be making its way to the Kaffelogic. Likely later this year, but with no firm date set of yet.

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Wed 13 Dec, 2023 11:49 am
by wilfong
I'm curious if there is any progress being made on this subject. Live tracking would be interesting.

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Thu 14 Dec, 2023 5:38 am
by Ron in Van
I also would love to see this implemented via an update to or add-on to the Nano. It would be great to make the live roast connection more robust. Whenever I roast while connected, after a few roasts the roaster seems to get confused and sometimes won't record the log file for me to review.

Hoping for updates and improvements in the new year!

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Sun 17 Dec, 2023 1:28 am
by Virterm
Same here, looking forward to see it live.

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Mon 08 Jan, 2024 11:12 am
by SeanBrews
Hi Wilfong, there is progress being made. It will be one of our larger focusses, we won't be giving too much away info-wise until we are closer to public release. We are doing our due diligence to make sure it is as bug free and seamless as possible coming to all KL units, new and old.

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Mon 08 Jan, 2024 1:45 pm
by Virterm
Count me in, if you need beta testers.

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Thu 25 Jan, 2024 12:34 pm
by yani
Oh.. I thought this is a existed function :oops: I was trying so hard to find out why there is no live data after I select "Live data"... :shock:

Re: Link Studio live roast tracking

Posted: Sun 18 Feb, 2024 5:02 pm
by Fayky23
Hoping to use live roast tracking,if you need feedback maybe I can be a member of the beta users?U guys can contact on me via my mailbox:[email protected].