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Novice search sweetnes in coffee

Posted: Thu 14 Dec, 2023 1:04 am
by Atthis
Hyho Community,

I have some tries and many errors behind me, and hope someone can help to search a right profile.

I use the KL7e 2 Month with Boost Kit and have green Bones from Kenia Lion Hills, Brasil Sao Silvestre, Honduras Marcala Coma ans Peru Cenfocafe Cajamarca. Arabica Washed.

I Drink sometimes espresso, but More Filter Coffee. And my Roasting results more Acid ore coal. I like to search a Profile what turn the sweetness in the Beans out, Nut ore Chocolate are fine too.

Somewhere have a profile for the sweet filter and Espresso Roastings.
I Try some more profiles with City Roast = Filter and Midland Roast= Espresso ....

Thanks for some assist.
Greetings Atthis

Re: Novice search sweetnes in coffee

Posted: Fri 15 Dec, 2023 6:10 am
by Atthis
So, thats was my last Brasil Sao Silvestre Roast for espresso.
140g an I hope, if I tomorrow cupping get my sweetness.

I see on start and on the end, the heat spot higher at the curve. I must be configure the profile, think so,

Tomorrow I will see

Greetings Atthis