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Does batch size affect roast?

Posted: Sat 16 Dec, 2023 1:35 pm
by mgwolf1315
First post here. I've done about 20 roasts in my Nano 7 so far. I'm wondering if the batch size affects the roast in a given profile. I have some odd quantities of beans, eg 80 grams, and if I load 80 grams in a particular profile, will it give the same result as if I had used 120 grams? Do I need to adjust anything like the roast level or something else?

Re: Does batch size affect roast?

Posted: Sun 17 Dec, 2023 1:25 am
by Virterm
As long as you are between 100 and 120g you should observe consistent results. If you need the wider range you will need to get the Boost package which will increase that range to 50-200g. Realistically, you max will probably be 160g.