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I need some help please

Posted: Tue 04 Feb, 2020 3:40 pm
by Damian
I have tried increasing fan, I've tried negative boost prior to FC, but can't seem to get rid of the dip
I would love some for any suggestions
1.jpeg (143.94 KiB) Viewed 5080 times

Re: I need some help please

Posted: Tue 04 Feb, 2020 4:13 pm
by kaffelogic
Hey Damian
Post your log file so I can have look at all settings - might be something there that stands out to me. Also can you say something about the coffee density and processing?

Re: I need some help please

Posted: Tue 04 Feb, 2020 5:00 pm
by Damian
I'm am starting to head in the right direction I think, may have just needed to post about it... lol
This was my next try
log0029.jpg (81.81 KiB) Viewed 5073 times
And then this, my most recent try
log0030.jpg (81.77 KiB) Viewed 5073 times
(73.63 KiB) Downloaded 312 times

I think I need more zones

Re: I need some help please

Posted: Tue 04 Feb, 2020 5:16 pm
by Damian
The bean I roasted first was Yirgacheffe, I have a couple bags of "Panama Rati Hartmann black honey" spare so I changed to them to continue adjusting the profile, but they seem to crack a little earlier, which I think made things worse.
The last two attempts were with "Panama Rati Hartmann black honey"

Once I get the RoR smoother, I think I'll have to shift the zone times when I switch back to roasting Ethiopian beans or Geisha. Which is what I wanted to profile for, just didn't want to trash my Geisha beans

Re: I need some help please

Posted: Tue 04 Feb, 2020 10:18 pm
by Steve
Those Rati hartmann have always been a super crashy coffee, should see what happens in a drum roaster!

Re: I need some help please

Posted: Wed 05 Feb, 2020 2:43 pm
by Damian
I cupped those roasts for the last two graphs this morning.
This is a great coffee, much better than what I remember, might have to pull this one out of reject pile.

The roast from the last graph had more body and mouthfeel, very slight baked taste at the end of the first sample, but I couldn't sense it again with further tasting. In comparison, the other seemed slightly underdeveloped. I'd still like to get a smooth RoR though, to see what it can do for it.

Re: I need some help please

Posted: Fri 14 Feb, 2020 10:29 am
by kaffelogic
Damian wrote: Tue 04 Feb, 2020 5:00 pm I think I need more zones
Hey Damian, we can do more zones. I am trying to be careful about adding too much to the profile file spec just because in the end it has to be stored in the rather limited RAM of a small microprocessor, but the capacity is there for some more zones if needed. How many do you need? Also do you think that zones might need other features than the existing boost?