KL not recording / syncing roasts

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KL not recording / syncing roasts


Post by umbramortis »


I bought my KL a few months ago and had quite a few issues already.
Mostly they could be solved by resetting the KL.

However, recently the KL stopped adding more logs to the list when I try to sync. It just stopped at 42 roasts and doesn't show me the last 10 I did.

What can I do?
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Re: KL not recording / syncing roasts


Post by rosemarycole6 »

Hi there,

I've lost the occasional roast usually because I've plugged in the USB cable or pulled it out during the roast (accidentally of course) and I find the file just vanishes.
Additionally, I routinely backup the roasts in the synced folder to another location.
Also the memory can get full, but usually your roaster tells you this.

I would backup the roasts and then reformat the memory and/or search this forum for similar issues.
There are some tips on how to reset the roast, access rescue mode and reformat the memory in this topic viewtopic.php?p=2729&hilit=memory+reset#p2729
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Re: KL not recording / syncing roasts


Post by dynamiteroll »

I replaced the stock cable recently and it seems to have solved sync problems. I save to NAS location, a separate drive on my network.
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